Monday, August 27, 2012

Jackie Simmonds

Jackie Simmonds, from the UK, is someone you ought to be looking at as you develop your pastel skills.  She has every accolade you can think of, and well deserved they are.  One of her skills is as an instructor, and today's post from her was so great I wanted to share it with you.  It is titled, Simplifying The Image, and I want you to note what she says about the importance of working the whole image and not just the subject.

Jackie Simmonds Artyfacts.
Jackie Simmonds Paintings and Sketches.
At Artists In Pastel.


jackie simmonds said...

Casey thank you so much for doing this. I had a look at my stats today and quite a few people came across to take a look. You are a gem.

Casey Klahn said...

Hi, Jackie.

Your blog is a treasure of info for pastel instruction! I have had a lot of traffic for this post, for good reason, I think.