
Friday, December 27, 2013

Basalt Columns

Pink & Green Feathers
4" x 6"
Casey Klahn

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Tall Boulders are Talus

Rock Group
6" x 9"
Pastel & Charcoal
Casey Klahn

Monday, December 9, 2013

Old Sticks

You will enjoy this article about a keepsake pastel box.

My Old Wooden Pastel Box.

Maria Paterson.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Ballerina Sketch

Ballerina @ The Mall, 1.2
@10" x 4"
Casey Klahn

I'm working on figures, again.  This ballerina was at the mall in Spokane, preparing for an upcoming Nutcracker event.  From a photo I took.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

New Vision

Long Remembered New Vision
13" x 21"
Casey Klahn

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Gig Harbor Wrap


Casey Klahn workshop in Gig Harbor, WA, last weekend. See Differently. Authenticity & Your Art. Hosted by the Northwest Pastel Society, in the studio of Donna Trent. Photos: Denise Champion.

Casey Klahn on art process, The Artist's Ideas, and your personal authority as an artist. 

Critique group.  We unpack the works produced during the 3 days we spent in studio and also in the open air.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Rocks with Light

Granite State Light
5" x 7"
Pastel & Charcoal
Casey Klahn

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Exuberant In Boston!

Expressive art and exuberance may go together.  Here I am trying to light a fire under my attentive audience.

The reception given me by the artists, attendees, and the North River Arts Society was a memorable one.  You have my thanks.

See Differently workshop, Marshfield Hills, MA.

Monday, September 30, 2013

The Violinist on Claret Paper

The Violinist
Not a finished work, but my first efforts on Claret Paper!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Bogus Sketches and The Violinist

Degas book, original sketch from life, Degas study of a male violinist, and my working sketch on Bogus Rough paper.

How interesting that the sketch I made at the Yellowstone Lake Hotel remains the best of the bunch, even after I have done several studies now to arrange it into a finished piece.  I will keep at it.

On another note, I have been trying to make my own ground now, off and on, for several years but have finally stumbled onto a workable surface, I think.  It might be a life changing event.  Claret paper.  Not my own formula, but I did deviate from the recipe I was following.  I'll let you know how it turns out.

Claret Paper, in light blue and claret hues.  I will credit the original recipe after I test this to see how it works.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Ocean Shores

Ocean Colors
13" x 12"
Casey Klahn

Monday, September 16, 2013

Head Starts

Civil War Face
@ 9" x 7"
Casey Klahn

Saturday, September 14, 2013


Barn Interior Color Sketch, 2012
7" x 6"
Casey Klahn

Sunday, August 18, 2013

River Detail, #1

Madison River Turnout, Detail 1
@9" x 8"
Casey Klahn

I seldom post details of works, but this one called to me.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Ocean Shores 1 Day

There were 9 artists in attendance.  I taught technique, and had an interesting closing question from Roy.  He wanted me to state 5 key tips for the beginner pastellist.  Here is what I said:

1. Peel the paper off most of your sticks, and put them all in a tray.  In other words, get them out of the foam box and into a studio palette system.

2. Find a paper you like and stay with it a while. 

3. Use artist's grade tools.

4. Find out what your ideas are and develop those in your work.  The truth is available for an artist of any skill level to tell.

5. Line up several of your artworks and write down 25 observations about them.  This will help you understand what it is you have been doing, what your ideas are, and what makes your work unique.

I couldn't help going to process solutions because I like to focus on what makes fine art fine.  

But, I want to have a technique-focused answer that's less esoteric.  With more thought, I might replace 4 and 5 with the following:

4. Learn how to handle your values and to blend colors.  We spent a good deal of out time on this in the 1 day workshop.

5. Work from good drawings that you have done.  

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Degas at the Foundation Beyeler

Edgar Degas in der Fondation Beyeler. Kurator Martin Schwander zum Konzept der Ausstellung.

Friday, July 26, 2013

On Color!

Photos from this past weekend in Denver.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Pastel Painting Atelier, By Ellen Eagle

Phyllis, 2002
11 3/4" x 7 7/8"
Pastel on Pumice Board
Ellen Eagle


Atelier is the French word for that place where you do your painting. It feels more intimate than the word, "studio." In her new book, Ellen Eagle has invited you into her atelier and offered you a look at her expertise and practices. Pastel Painting Atelier covers basics, such as studio set-up, pastel choices, brands, and pastel tools and surfaces. But the real experience of reading her book is like that of participating in a Japanese tea ceremony. You are made to feel special  and revelations abound.


Ellen spotlights both historic and contemporary artists working in pastel. A favorite section of the book for me was the in-depth walk through of her process where she unpacks her thoughts, feelings, and methods while showing progress on portrait, figure, and still life works.


The following is what Ellen wrote to you, the readers of The Colorist and Pastel Workshop.

Pastel Painting Atelier is my first book. I began the writing by entering my studio. I looked into my work environment and the treasured tools of my trade. My opening preface emerged naturally, and that personal statement set the tone for the whole book.  Throughout, I wrote about my inspirations and hands-on working practices.   My goal was to suggest to the reader ways to open up his and her own path. 
I also reached beyond my studio, into the ever-evolving history of our gorgeous medium. It was very important to me to exalt the magnificent lineage of artists who, across centuries and continents and styles, continue to  bequeath to us breathtaking works in pastel, artists who daily transform powder into monument. I closed the book with an index of public collections in which to view firsthand the enduring beauty of our collective endeavor.  
Ellen Eagle.



Saturday, June 29, 2013

Follow Me With Another Tool

By now I hope you know that Blogger Reader is "buh bye" on Sunday night.  If you've been following here via the Follow tool, please consider following with a new tool of your choice.  On the First of July Blogger says it is discontinuing the reader service.

Follow on Bloglovin


Thursday, June 13, 2013

114th Annual Exhibition, The Pastel Society

The Pastel Society - The Mall Galleries
Photo: © Marc Volquardsen

The annual exhibition in London of the Pastel Society, is covered by Katherine at Making a Mark.  See her blog here, and notice that our friend, the terrific Astrid Volquardsen, has won the Daler-Rowney award!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

IAPS in New Mexico

A Million Southern Mornings
Honorable Mention,  The Second Master Circle Exhibition
18" x 18"
Lyn Asselta

Shadows of Rio Puerco
Honorable Mention,  22nd
Annual IAPS International Show 
Lorraine is now in the Master Circle
20" x 16"
Lorraine Trenholm

It feels like I am LiveBlogging the IAPS convention in Albuquerque, NM, although I am not there.  Such are the wonders of Facebook.  Friends are sending me pictures and reports of where my artwork is, and how it is hung, etc.  

Posted above are some notable works by friends of mine.

I have seen Lorraine's beautiful pastel in person!  Very strong, and no surprise it got an honor at IAPS.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

International Association of Pastel Societies

This is the time that great pastelists get together in Albuquerque, NM to enjoy a big pastel party known as the IAPS Biennial.  I am not there, but in my stead is a pastel which is in the IAPS Twenty-Second Juried Exhibition.

The convention is June 6th. - 9th.

Is there anyone at the convention that is willing to send us a report?  I'd be glad to post it here.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Sergeant Major

Sergeant Major Sketch
@7" x 9." 
Charcoal and chalk on toned brown paper.
Casey Klahn

This is a life sketch I rendered last weekend at a battle reenactment.  The opportunity to draw the figure from life is rare for me, and Civil War reenactments are a grand time, with costumed participants, equipment and regalia for subject-matter.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Historicity; Pastel's Long Legacy.

Video by Stan Sperlak.

IAPS (international Association of Pastel Societies).

Friday, May 17, 2013

An Intimate Atelier

Ellen Eagle's art, her personality, and now her book, Pastel Artist Atelier, are a unified expression.  She creates intimate portraits in pastel, and her writing is a look into the private spaces of her studio and reveals her studio practice.  She has a soul of gentleness and introspection, and she perceives the subtleties of the visual world.

I will give you a finished report on the book at a later date.  For now, I am enjoying.

Pastel Painting Atelier.  Essential Lessons in Techniques, practices, and materials.

Ellen Eagle.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Making My New Palette

My old studio tray was 18" x 3' and the new "Pastel Crib" measures 2' x 4.'
Lots more space, and room to expand my palette to include the grays and also a nifty pencil box in the middle.

More photos soon!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Next Stop: Portland!

Durango was a great time!

Next workshop:
Portland, Oregon.  June 15, 16.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

MoRock in Washington

The Feathers Shadow
4" x 6"
Charcoal & Pastel
Casey Klahn

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Portland, Oregon!

2 Day Workshop/$240. See Differently is not a technique workshop. It is a break through event, where we look at your ideas. I demonstrate in pastels, however oil and acrylic painters have enjoyed this workshop.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

First Plein Air 2013

Unkempt Tree
@8" x 10"
Pastel & Charcoal on Wallis
Casey Klahn

Steven LaRose shares this:
En plein air (French pronunciation: [ɑ̃ plɛn‿ɛʁ]) is a French expression which means "in the open air," and is particularly used to describe the act of painting outdoors, which is also called peinture sur le motif ("painting on the ground") in French.

Steven LaRose.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Spring Inspiration

This is a bit of an April Fool's joke, as the miniature flower pastel is from the imagination.  But, here is my travel and plein air box ready to go!  Maybe today I will get out the door and paint!

Special note: if I can get my studio palette spruced up, I will post a photo.  I really need to make another one of those studio boxes, as I have the space and too many sticks.

Black Earth with Yellow, @ 4" x 4," Pastel, Casey Klahn.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Denver at The Madden! Ken Elliot and Casey Klahn Will Teach On Color!


July 20 and 21, at The Madden Museum in Denver Metro.  All media welcome.  Contact either Ken or myself.